also , a lot of them are ornately decorated on tsuka (handle ) and saya (sheath ). 又、柄や鞘の装飾が凝らしてある物も多い。
exhibit a , this ornately decorated apartment that no one lives in . 証拠物件A この飾り立てたアパート 誰も住んでない という事はつまり
exhibit a , this ornately decorated apartment that no one lives in . 証拠物件a この飾り立てたアパート 誰も住んでない という事はつまり
the sutras are ornately decorated with gold and silver leaf decorating the paper and crystal used for the rollers . 本文の用紙は金銀の切箔などで装飾し、巻き軸には水晶を用いるなど、装飾をこらしている。
this is a heroic hashiri-mai (a way of dance of bugaku involving active dance with running ), which is performed wearing ornately decorated mask . 華麗に装飾された仮面を被る勇壮な走り舞。
komagaku uses komabue (a transverse flute with six finger holes ), hichiriki (an oboe ), san-no-tsuzumi (an hourglass-shaped drum ), shoko (a small gong ) and taiko (an ornately decorated drum ). 高麗笛、篳篥、三鼓、鉦鼓、太鼓が使われる。